Ward 5 Projects

Completion of the new STOP markings at the dangerous three way stop in Beethoven Street, corner Delius, painted on Friday, 18th August

Posted on 28 March 2017.
Ward 5 Painting Road Traffic Markings Project
Ward 5 Committee is trying to be part of the solution to the problems our residents encounter. One of the ways is by repainting some of the road traffic markings that have faded and are a safety hazard to all residents.
Out of work people were used to do this – Saturday 25th March as a dual community initiative.
Calsibrick, sponsored this first test run and if you look at the before and after pictures, it has made an appreciable difference.
If anybody wants to paint their own Street Markings, all you need is the paint, a couple of 2” rollers, a paint brush or two , a straight edge and some thinners. Safety is a big consideration – have signs indicating work is in progress. Calsibricks will help with any advice needed.
Costs involved:
The test run of ‘painting our own road markings’ in Mozart and Sibelius Street on 25th March 2017 by Ward 5 Committee, sponsored by Casibricks.
We painted one Stop Street and four Yield signs in a four hour period using the two ‘out of work’ people who do the painting of the house numbers on the kerbstones in SW5, two labourers, a bakkie and a driver.
A very rough costing is as follows:
Painters 2 @ R200 = R400
Driver R200
Labour 2 @ R100 = R200 the labourers have to clean all the equipment afterwards so they work for five hours.
Bakkie F.O.C.
Paint 10l. &
Thinners. &
Rollers. &
Brushes. R900
Grand Total R1700.
This works out to approximately R300 for a yield sign and R450 for a Stop sign. [Stop sign takes more paint and more time.]
It has been stated that the Municipality has no money to paint street markings.
If we want to have safe streets, [ there have been two accidents in SW5 in the last month at intersections without road markings] we will have to pay for and paint the Stop and Yield signs ourselves.

Posted on 17 February 2017.
The Ward 5 Pot Hole Repair Team (The “Blommetjies”) attacked the potholes vigorously on Saturday the 17th February with 50 bags of donated tar. The streets targeted this time were those in Lower SE2.
If you would like to help or contribute please contact us at info@ward5emfuleni.co.za.

Posted on 13 February 2017.
Ward 5 has undertaken to try to fill potholes where possible, donations for the tar are most appreciated! Our Ward 5 Team gets together and tries to make Ward 5 “potholeless”.
If you would like to help or contribute please contact us at info@ward5emfuleni.co.za