05 October 2018
Hi All Phoenix Park supporters.
Spring is here and we welcome our second clutch of Egyptian geese to the park.
If their mommy is as good as her 'sister' we will have lots of geese on the pond.
The willow trees have sprouted and give good cover and shade for their wellbeing.
The gardens are recovering from the hammering they experienced from the Public on Spring Day where a total disregard for the gardens was the norm.
Isn't nature forgiving.
We have started planting [with the help of Ms Ria Smuts of A.J. Smuts Hydraulics] some trees and shrubs along the banks of the stream. Willows, palms, grasses and even an oak tree or two.
The area is really looking good and the swamp irises are in full bloom.
Take time out this Saturday morning and join us for 'Gym in the Park'
[09.00-9.45. & 10.00-10.45 presented this week by Virgin Active] and then take a stroll along the banks of the stream to cool off.
Another innovation at the Park is the newly laid out Park Run, courtesy of Mr. Hans Pieterse.
The Run is two circuits of the park on the designated pathways and the total distance is 5km's.
Run it, walk it or take the dog for a walk and follow the white markers on the trees and the white arrows on the ground.
The START is at the parking area just under the trees. Look for the white line.
I attach a map of the routes.
On the other side of the coin.
Will the residents who throw their black bags on the sidewalk outside the Park please STOP!
The Park does not have any preferential refuse removal and all the bags of Park visitors rubbish looks bad enough without Residents adding to it.
Also, will the residents who throw their garden refuse on the sidewalks of the Park also stop, please.
I ride away all the branches and leaves that are cut off trees during pruning at my personal cost.
Please make use of the many garden/refuse removers as I cannot cope with all the branches from the Park, let alone from the neighbourhood as well.
Maintaining Phoenix Park takes money.
The two gardeners are costing R1100.00 a week and we have no money for the grass cutting which is currently being done.
We will soon have to cut the main Park with a tractor and the lowest quote on that was R2000.00 once off.
Unfortunately we have lost the sponsorship of A-Sec and whereas we welcome Mr. Jamie Maree, owner of Riverside Mica and his support , our monthly balance sheet is in deficit.
Please consider a monthly sponsorship of the park, no matter how small, to help us balance our books.
Donations can be made by EFT to:
Ward 5 Emfuleni Committee
Standard Bank code 051001
Account 27829278.
Please help.
That's the September wrap.
Enjoy "Gym in the Park' and the 'Phoenix Park Fun Run'.

22 August 2018
"Lovely Spring News!
A mother water bird and her ducklings or goslings have taken up residence at Phoenix Park".
For all our excellent Vaal birders ... do tell us what her accurate name is?

03 August 2018
Hi ALL you good people that contribute to the upkeep of Phoenix Park. The Month of July was very cold with frost on the grass nearly every day.
This cold snap has given us the opportunity to do some cleaning up and cleaning out. We feature two pictures of the dam to show how different it looks after the clean-up and we are not done yet!
Our next task is to remove some, not all, of the fallen trees in the water. they make the place look messy. Hopefully next month I can show you the difference. The last few days have been warmer, and the weeds have started to grow. Our gardeners are busy watering and cleaning up the mounds of leaves that have fallen.
Spring is in the air.
The Ward Five Committee

15 May 2018
Hi all,
Our May Phoenix Park update.
The Marigolds are past their best but I’m hesitant to pull them out as they are still making a good show for people driving down Frikkie Meyer Blvd.
The leaves are falling thick and fast and the Melt Brink sidewalks and parking area gardens are covered. With time we will remove and bag the leaves and turn them into compost.
Grass cutting continuous with a new area of parkland being cut each week. (Another small bite of the elephant.)
The fallen tree has been stripped of it’s branches and left as a jungle gym for intrepid climbers. The broken branches have been cut up and driven away.
We have started cleaning the rubbish out of the stream and, in time, the banks of the stream and dam will be very pretty.
We see more dog walkers in the morning and we wish them and indeed all visitors enjoyment of the park.
Kind Regards
Mike Woodroffe