Date reported
Problem Reported.
Date Resolved

Potholes identified and reported to Thabiso at Emfuleni Local Municipality on 01/11/2017
Click to view the potholes reported

I would like to report to you that I have seen a number of storm water drains block in SW5, in particular two inlets in front of 22 Chopin street, one on south side of Wenning 10. There are also some in Beethoven around the number 80’s that are blocked if I recall correctly.
Can I ask that you prioritise the cleaning of these inlets as the flooding can be severe with the blocked storm water drains when the first rains arrive? I understand from the press that Emfuleni has budget constraints for materials, but luckily the cleaning only requires labour and that is available. If I need to raise this with someone else, please advise?
Problem Reported

I want to complain anonymously about the people in Sibelius no. 9, whom has a motorcycle course in their back yard. Every evening when the day's noise just starts calming down, they get going. Every Sunday as well.
The fumes comes in clouds over my wall. The constant noise frightens my rescue animals.
I work as a therapist with clients who are going through trauma. I have started doing group work on a Sunday when it is nice and quiet.
Now it isn't any more. I just want to cry.
Please help.
Dear Complainant,
Ward Five has reported your complaint to the Manager ‘Super By-Law ‘ unit.
Should the situation not improve within two weeks, please come back to us.
Ward Five Committee.

Street Light in Beethoven Street are not working
Problem resolved

Dear Sir/Me, Will you please be so kind as to find out why the Municipality has deducted additional sewerage twice from my account . Account attached for your information. My water reading is high due to a water leak whilst on holiday.
Thank you.
Problem resolved
Good day
The account was not debited twice, the first amount was a debit R 344.61 based on the water usage and the second amount of R 103.38 is a credit, a rebate we give on the additional sewer charged.

Good day, I want thank you for the two months of peace and quiet we enjoyed due to your arrangement with the S.A.P. who managed to keep the noisy guys away, but I’m sorry to say they are back on Thursday nights in full force and I was hoping you can please talk to your contact at the S.A.P. again to send their officers around and silence them again (I hope this time it will be for good).Keep up the good work.
Regards Fanus Strydom.
Reported to station commander

Good day
There is a serious water leak opposite our town house complex from outside a private house pavement in Danie Theron Street SE2. I am not sure if anyone have reported it yet, but it has been going on for a few days already. We suspect it's on the Municipality side of the meter.
Leakage has been repaired

Good morning
It saddens me to see that Sharkas trail is being used as a dumping ground for garden refuse. I can only presume that is put there by residents of the area.
I have attached 2 photos taken this morning at the intersection of Danie Theron and Boonzair street up towards Macowan.

Dear Mr. Nieuwenhuizen
Can you please bring this safety hazard to the attention of Gauteng Roads Department, regarding the hanging and missing concrete pillars - hanging over the Vaal River, on the Baddrift Bridge. It could kill or maim a person in a boat below, as well as the danger caused to pedestrians and drivers.
Please can you confirm receipt of this email.

Street Lights updated database 20 April 2017

Hi Mike
I managed to track down the company that does all the official road signs for the government.
Have placed order on them and they advised a lead time of 7-10 days.
Will let you know once we have the signs, then we can arrange for installation.
Kind regards,
Signs ordered, lead time of 7-10 working days

Can you please assist, very urgent.
i see the the people is buzzy in SE 2 in front of Driehoek High school.
Please do yourself a big favour and go to Donkin street in SE 2 Vanderbijlpark.
The Road on the Corner of Aderley & Donkin street is so bad you will get lost when you fell in to those potholes.
The entire road in Donkin street need a re done, because of the trees roots that picked up the tar.
Can IPplease have feed back on this matter... because this is not the first time that I email and ask to Help in this matter.
Kobie Cochrane
Problem has been reported

Street Lights updated database 13 April 2017

Ek wil graag verneem wanneer kan ek terugvoering op my e-mail van 27 Maart 2017 ontvang?
Verder wil ek ook net hoor? Hoekom is die paaie in die S-areas (waar die grootste hoeveelheid belasting betaal word) in so toestand, maar al die paaie aan die Noorde kant van die dorp in so goeie toestand? Die gras word ook baie meer daar gesny op die hoofroetes, soos Frikkie Meyer Blvd! Ek ry elke dag vanaf my huis na CWI wat geleë is oorkant Arcelor Mittal en op pad na Sebokeng. Die pad en die area is so netjies, maar O wee, daar waar ons woonagtig is en so getrou die belasting betaal, is dit so swak!
Problem has been reported

Street Lights out of order
Once again find an updated list. This time I added street lights in Persoon Street SE2 to our list. I will visit this area again later this week to do a full count of this street and possibly some of the surrounding streets.
This database is growing, and as indicated previously, it is also published on our social media channels. I am afraid that we as a community will not go away. We will continue to report. I understand that our ability to escalate has somewhat been compromised with the rumoured resignation of your municipal manager. This obviously gives us the opportunity to escalate one level higher.
Your lack of response and action is to say the least, disappointing for such a promising leader as yourselves. You requested that we do not put you in a bad light. But you are not really doing your part. I took on this role of getting our streets lighted up again as a personal journey, and I will not go away.
This is once again a request (following numerous others) to show your hand and show some leadership. We are making it easy for you. Just act on the information we provide to you. It is very easy.
Kind Regards
Heinrich Holt

Good day
Rubbish has still not been collected on Stuttaford street and the
northern section of de Beer and Ramsbottom.
for your info :
Many residents do not understand that Ward 5 incorporates SE2 they
believe it is only SW5.
Many residents do not know who their Councillor is.
Problem has been reported

It’s with frustration that I write this email again.
Last weekend on 24 & 25 March 2017, Cappello continued with their loud music until 02h00 in the morning.
I did phone local SAPS Vanderbijlpark and after argument with Constable Moloi, she reckoned that they have the right to making music and noise till 02h00 as that is what their liquor license states. She clearly has no clue regarding the liquor license. She refused to send any vehicle out and stated she can’t send two police officers out to a place where they’re drinking, it’s not safe for them??
Problem has been reported

Vullis staan nogsteeds in Ramsbottom straat onderkant van Driehoek skool. ELM Trok vandag gery en net by kleuerskool sakke gelaai en die res gelos. Verduidelik hoe dit werk inwoners verstaan nie!!
Problem has been reported

Straatlig in De Beerstraat voor nommer 70 is buite werking. Help asb.
Problem has been reported

Straatlig net oorkant biolioteek in dood dit is baie donker op die hoek v stuttaford straat. Doen asb iets daaraan. Asb. Dankie
Problem has been reported

The Chief Operating Officer/Acting Municipal Manager
Emfuleni Municipality
Dear Mr Kekane
Please advise me urgently what the position is with refuse collection in ward 5. Refuse is not being collected.
I am inundated with queries from very angry people in my ward and do not know what to answer.
This is fast becoming a serious health risk in the ward.
People are demanding that they get the services that they pay for and deserve and nobody can blame them for that.
Some community members are even threatening to start withholding their taxes. I plead with them not to do it, but ELM is pushing our community to far. We are on the brink of a revolt from taxpayers, which will be a disaster for our town.
This crises must be solved immediately.
Phillip Nothnagel

Letter to ELM Electrical Dept, regarding problems with street lights
14 March 2017
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2017 10:58 PM
To: Jakes Lehoko
Subject: Ward 5 | Street Lights
Dear Jakes,
It is with some sadness and disappointment that I write this e-mail to you.
The attachment refers.
After a promising start with Frikkie Meyer Boulevard, south from Beethoven Main, there has been no progress.
You will also note that I found two more lights at the taxi rank that I counted in as part of Frikkie Meyer. Despite this promising start there is still a dark area that needs to be addressed.
My disappointment also stems from the fact that we moved backwards in two streets - Sibelius and Mozart. In fact Mozart is totally dark. Incidentally, both these streets have also been targets where it concerns crime in recent times.
I did not have time to survey more streets, but will resume again in weeks to come. Please note, for streets already counted, total availability stands at 48%. Complex manufacturing plans run at 98%.....
Ultimately, I feel that your lack of feedback and communication, at least with a plan and estimated dates, is really breaking the camel's back. I think we have been more than reasonable and patient, and after our discussion I had high hopes for some form of improvement.
Yet, total silence on your part, despite follow-ups from my side. Perhaps you don't know what to say, or you don't know what to do, or you don't have a plan, but then at least say so. Our invitation to assist within reason remains, but seemingly something is preventing you from engaging us.
In the light of recent tax increases (income, property), and e-toll tariff increases (punishing those who actually pay), I cannot help to think that the revenue stream just goes into a dark hole. Fact is, that although Ward 5 is more than willing to accept that their contribution is redistributed in the interest of overall development and upliftment, this passive income stream may start to dry up. Citizens of this ward is becoming fed up with what seems to be a total lack of inertia and willingness to at least make some meaningful progress.
This is once again a humble request to you to show your hand and address a matter of public safety and associated accountability to render acceptable services, in this case to provide basic visibility at night. I hope and trust that there will be a meaningful response (a plan with milestones), within a week, failing to which I will have no choice to explore means of escalating the matter higher up into the ranks of ELM.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Kind Regards
Ward 5 Committee

Dear MM
I refer to my mail sent on 22 July 2016 and various other earlier mails send, regarding the lack of road markings.
As I have stated before and I quote “Nothing has been done. The responsible officials did not even bother to reply to this mail. They also ignored to fix a dangerous situation which can and will lead to more accidents and possible legal claims against ELM. Will you please address this serious matter with the officials concerned?”
As predicted an accident between a bus and a car happened this morning at the corner of Beethoven and Chopin street. The fact that road markings at the intersection is very bad, may have led to the accident.
As I have stated before : “Do we need another fatal accident before something is done to fix a relatively simple problem”
It is no wonder residents of ELM are complaining about poor service delivery in our town.
We simply cannot allow this situation to carry on.
Councillor Phillip Nothnagel.
Ward 5
Evening Councillor
This is long outstanding; I will coordinate road engineering from Basic services together with my regional commander for traffic to do the necessary follow ups;
I will update you on Monday next week.
Kind regards
John Mokoena

Met die omskakeling van my rekening na die nuwe formaat het die Munisipaliteit my e-pos verloor. Die pos is nie altyd betyds nie wat begroting bemoeilik. Ek het al e-posse gestuur maar tot ophede is daar nog geen verandering want my nou genoop het om julle te kontak. Kan julle help of wat staan my te doen?
Problem has been reported and we are awaiting feedback from ELM Accounts Department to confirm that the problem has been rectified.

Transgression: Illegal School operating in SW5 Ext2
Reported to relevant municipal authorities - awaiting inspection of premises by council

Safety hazard on Baddrift Bridge with pillar hanging over Vaal River and missing pillars. Vehicle that hits this section of bridge will go into the Vaal river due to lack of structural strength.
Reported to Gauteng Roads Dept and Sedibeng Disaster Management.

Street lights not working on O kuils Macowen and Boonzaier streets SE2
Problem has been reported and added to the maintenance schedule.

Street Lights out of order in the following streets
Frikkie Meyer (from Beethoven (KFC) to where Chopin starts)
Delius Street
Wenning Street
Sibelius Street
Beethoven (excluding main)
Mozart Street
Problem reported, repairs in progress

Noise disturbance at SE2 Swimming Pool Parking lot, every Thursday from 6pm.
Sent email on 20/02/2017 to Station Commander Brigadier Hosaeane bringing this to her attention.

Sewerage leaking from veld area between Highway and Wenning Street.
Problem resolved
Thank you to Ward 5 residents for alerting us regarding this.

Disorderly conduct reported at Phoenix Park
Municipal Manager asked for 6 weeks to revert back to us but he undertook that this problem will be addressed before Easter.
Ward 5 Committee had a meeting with Emfuleni Municipal Manager and other officials. Possible solutions to the problem were proposed.